Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wasn't it just Halloween?

The year continues to speed by!  Next week we will be finalizing grades for interim report cards for the 3rd nine weeks.

It's hard to believe that 3rd graders have already completed two Project Based Learning units and are started on their 3rd.

Let's touch base on how things are going in the classroom ...
1.  The kids are talking ... a lot and they are missing important information.  There seems to be a large number of assignments that have to be redone for 70%.  I think your kids can do better - please address this at home.

2.  In reading we are starting our research project on an important inventor, innovator or entrepreneur.  The kids have chosen their subject and will get books a the library on Friday.  Some subjects are more difficult than others, so if they want to change, I will suggest an individual that I know has several resources.

They may do research at home, but all writing is done at school for their speech and brochure.

The costume, props or powerpoints that can be used during our "Living Museum" must be done at home.  Please read the parent letter going home tomorrow for more details.

3.  In math, problem solving is our focus and applying all of the strategies we have learned so far.  Students must be able to visualize a real world math problem to determine whether it is a multistep problem.  They must also be able to understand what computation should be used and if there is "garbage information" within the problem.

4.  During Science we are discussing the characteristics of Environments emphasizing how living and nonliving things interact.

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