Sunday, September 24, 2017

Time is flying

Hello everybody!

I can't believe that we are nearing the end of September.  The big chunk of beginning of the year testing has ended and we are now fully in the swing of things.  In fact -- you have just seen interim report cards for the first nine weeks grading period and fall conferences are just around the corner!  I will be sending you all an email to sign up.

I love, love, LOVE my new students.  But they are not perfect.  They are very talkative and do not listen very well.  I have gotten disappointing reports from all three specials teachers that they are struggling in their classes as well.  It's so disappointing.  I want our class to be leaders!

Last week I created an incentive - just for listening.  When I said "take out your _____", the first table (or first two) groups got a "group dojo".  The winning table group got lunch in the classroom, a treat and watched part of a Magic School Bus.

I am repeating it this week with a small adjustment in table groups.  Three tables were very close in score and one was very low.  So this week the stronger groups have "adopted" a new member or two to model that good listening.

You can help me and make your lives easier too!  DON"T REPEAT YOURSELF 5x!  When kids aren't "present" in the moment, what adults say is just background noise.  They need to be taught that it is important - imperative even that they listen the 1st time.

My job is to reteach to any child that doesn't understand.  My job is not to repeat, repeat, repeat to a child that is not attempting to listen or understand.

Here's what we are learning this week:
Reading:  Predictable elements in Fiction
Writing:  Personal Narrative drafting and revision
Math:  Addition and Subtraction with regrouping (reviewing place value and rounding)
Social Studies:  Continuing Freedom Week studies and citizenship
Science:  Matter - Mixtures and Solutions

Thank you to the families who contributed to the Coins for Classroom.  It's horrible that we have had 3 disasters so close together.  I appreciate your generosity and am touched by how passionate the kids were about it -- not to win the flashlight reading (we didn't) but to be helping.  That's the true reward.

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