Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dismissal Routines


We had a fabulous first day and the only point of confusion was at dismissal.  We have a very short amount of time to move a large number of kids, they have to know where they are going.  If their dismissal changes, send an email or call the office.

GYMMERS - This is where most daycare kids go and kids that get picked up by parents to walk or drive.  Some kids were confused because they walk home ... but not independently.  If your child is meeting another sibling before walking home, they should go here.
At dismissal, these kids line up in the courtyard with Mrs. Miller

WALKERS/BIKE RIDERS** - These kids are totally independent and are not picking up a younger sibling.  They go straight out the front door.  At dismissal, these kids line up against the chain link fence with Mrs. Coats and Ms. Troxel

**BACK WALKER/BIKE RIDERS - Kids are totally independent.  They go straight from the back entrance home.
At dismissal, these kids meet at the foursquare curb and walk with Mrs. Couture.

FRONT CAR RIDERS - Purple Tags.  Grades K, 3 and 5 go to the front UNLESS there is a younger sibling.  At dismissal, these kids line up against the chain link fence with Mrs. Coats and Ms. Troxel

BACK CAR RIDER - Green Tags.  Grades 1, 2 and 4 go to the back, so a 3rd grader would only go as a Back Car Rider if they have a sibling in 1st or 2nd grade.  At dismissal these kids meet at the foursquare curb and walk with Mrs. Couture.

BUSSER - You ride the bus.  You know what bus number you ride.At dismissal, these kids meet at the foursquare curb and walk with Mrs. Couture.

YMCA - You go to the cafeteria for YMCA care.  At dismissal, these kids meet on the sidewalk next to the main building with Mrs. Russell.

SPECIAL Programs:  When choir begins and special after school opportunities are announced dismissal routines may change.  If you inform the teacher, we can tell you definitively where your child will line up to dismiss.

Please make sure your kiddo knows where they are going.  It is a measure of independence and the best way to have students moving efficiently from one place to another.

Thank you,

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