Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 4 Flying By

What a week!

This was Freedom week, so we took a break from Science to do some Social Studies.  It's important for children to realize that the freedoms and privileges we enjoy are not given to all people of the world.  I am always surprised how big their hearts are when we discuss the sacrifices made by our military and how offended they are by the concept of inequality.

Our biggest hurdle was math this week.  We've done "review" but a lot of it was more "new" than "review.  We covered rounding to the nearest ten, addition with regrouping and subtraction with regrouping.  We need lots of practice to make sure those understandings grow.  Just a tip:  ultimately I want students to have ready recall of their basic addition and subtraction facts.  But the concept of regrouping is confusing.  I encourage students that aren't experts to use a number line so that they are getting the correct difference or sum.

Reading seems to be coming along slowly.  The students are transitioning from "learning to read" to "reading to learn".  Please make sure you are reading with your child if possible, when reading aloud they are less likely to skip words and do the work to sound them out.  Just for your information, the reading passages that we send home for homework are second grade level. 

As a class, we upped our technology quotient.  We tried out the brand new Chromebooks and downloaded the Google Classroom app and completed (most students) a reading assignment.

We are almost at the halfway mark for the first nine weeks.  I am trying to get work turned in by a few stragglers.  Math grades look pretty strong, but reading looks low.  Try not to stress as parents as this is your child's first experience with being graded on their reading comprehension and recall.  I will be in contact with you if I feel there is a substantial concern.

 Box Tops Contest Underway! 
Our school collects labels such as "Box Tops for Education",  "Campbell's Labels for Education", "My Coke Rewards", "Community Coffee Cash For Schools", and "Tyson A+ Labels", to earn prizes and rewards for our school.
Get your scissors ready for clipping! We are having a "Box Tops For Education" contest for the month of September!
September 14-September 28th send in your Box Tops either on the page provided to you in your student’s Thursday folder or in a labeled baggie. Click Here to print off additional collection sheets.
The top 3 classes will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a class popcorn snack and the teacher will win a $20 gift card.
Parents, This year when collecting Box Tops, please follow the rules below. 
  1. Glue or tape the Box Tops in the appropriate spaces. Please do not staple them. 
  2. If you have more than 10 box tops, please place the remaining box tops in a Ziploc Baggie labeled with your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name. OR CLICK HERE for additional sheets. 

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